This website, including the website host, associated domains and subscription fees (anti-spam, theme) cost yearly fees to keep going. The equipment, accessories, parts and tools used in the articles on this site also cost money. Currently these costs are paid directly by Chris Savage, who supports this site as a hobby. Your donation would go toward offsetting the costs of the site and content.
This site does not charge any subscription fees, nor does it display any advertisements. There are three main ways you can help keep this website going:
PayPal Donation
Make a one-time or recurring donation via PayPal.
Become a Patron (Patreon)
Patreon is a membership-based platform that allows content creators to earn money from their fans, or “patrons,” through subscriptions and other means. While many creators offer “perks” for those who are patrons, Savage///Circuits doesn’t have any “exclusive” content. You can choose to support us or not. Those who donate in any meaningful way will be mentioned in future episodes of Savage///Circuits TV.
Donate Equipment, Tools, Accessories, Parts or Services
All of the equipment / tools that are reviewed are either from a donation or purchased directly. Many of the projects are derived from donated parts or things I picked up from yard sales or online. Perhaps you have unused equipment or tools that aren’t useful to you, but may be useful to this site.
I have had patrons of this website drop-ship things to me in order to realize future projects. Sending me equipment toward a project doesn’t guarantee I will build that project, but some things don’t get built because I don’t have the equipment or parts. I do like to take on new and interesting things. Below I will list some items I am currently looking for donations of.
- Any Commodore computers (even if they’re not working)
- Commodore keyboards (VIC-20, C=16, C=64, C=128)
- Z80-based Computers / Devices
- Unused / Abandoned robot platforms
- Unmodified project enclosures.
- 3D printed projects (help us by 3D printing enclosures / models for us)
Check out this post on Savage///Chats for parts / equipment I am trying to recover for projects / articles.