Savage///Circuits TV – Episode 2

Episode 2: Quadrature Encoders & Shift Registers

This episode talks about how to use both quadrature encoders and shift registers in your projects as well as offering some examples and application ideas.

There are no educational materials that I have links to for the Quadrature Encoders except the article on Wikipedia, however we do have at least one project posted that uses a rotary encoder.

Probably the easiest way to get started with Shift Registers on the BASIC Stamp would be to download the StampWorks manual and Code from the Parallax website and follow Experiment 23 (74HC595), Experiment 24 (74HC165) and Experiment 25 (Mixed I/O using both ICs).


Quadrature Encoders [BS2 Source Code]

74HC595 Serial to Parallel shift register

74HC165 Parallel to Serial shift register

Solder Pot Controller – Project

Binary / Digital Clock – Project

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This is one of the original 12 episodes of Savage///Circuits TV from before everything was lost. This is video is no longer relevant, but is here for archival purposes. This is a low-resolution copy recovered from iTunes Podcast. I apologize, the original data has been lost.

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