Tools of the Trade
Whether you’re a professional or hobbyist (or both!), having the right equipment to accomplish what you’re doing makes all the difference in the world. Here’s a look at some of the “must-have” tools for a workbench.
Whether you’re a professional or hobbyist (or both!), having the right equipment to accomplish what you’re doing makes all the difference in the world. Here’s a look at some of the “must-have” tools for a workbench.
The Prop Dropper 2 allows you to drop scary Halloween props, such as bats and spiders onto unsuspecting trick-or-treaters and play scary sounds at the same! Built around the Parallax Propeller microcontroller, this project is highly customizable and expandable.
The Arlo Robotic System is mid-size platform ideal for telepresence and autonomous robots.
This project was built to demonstrate how to communicate over the internet using an XBee Wi-Fi (S6B).
This article will wrap up the build of this flexible robot platform by finalizing the build to a point where we can experiment with some code and build off from that.
This robot platform is easy to build, inexpensive and flexible enough to support a number of options for the control board, motor drive, power and sensors. It also looks really cool and moves very well.
Message Board V3 by Luc Zontrop
This tutorial describes how to program a BS2P40 on a development board designed for 24-pin modules.
A tutorial on using the ADC0831 8-bit Analog to Digital converter with the P8X32A MCU.
The XBee 802.15.4 to PC Demo provides an example of communication between any Series 1 XBee Module and the PC, using the XStick 802.15.4.